Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stolen: The Space I Used to Have in My Back Seat of my car

Did I tell you that someone, (really something) somehow stole the space I used to have in my back seat? It's gone!!!!! Taken up by a nice new car seat, designed to keep Macy safe. Those that know me, know I have a small car, a 5 speed, 2 door, small car. The kind where you have to climb into the back seat. A great car if you are single and do not really need the back seat. Well, a week or so ago, my sister Kathy was being very nice to me and she installed the car seat for Macy. Well, now I have no back seat. The car seat fits great, in that I can put both front seats all the way back and they do not hit the car seat, but whoever said that my car could have 3 in the back never tried it with a car seat. Only a child can now sit comfortably in the back as there is NO room left. I have started putting my groceries in the trunk. I used to put them on the back seat, but can't do that anymore, one bag maybe........... Getting Macy in and out will be a nice trick. I think I need to start practicing by playing the twister game. When she is a bit older and the car seat can face front I think it will be easier, but the 1st few months home I will have to practice swearing under my breath whenever I have to crawl into the back, holding her and somehow get her strapped in. Maybe I can borrow a VAN for a couple of months.

1 comment:

Jules and Danny said...

ooohhhhh... two door cars and baby seats aren't meant to be mixed!