Saturday, February 14, 2009


Still waiting for my Invitation to Travel. The piece of paper that officially invites me to Vietnam to meet and adopt my daughter The one thing that is different is that I kind of feel like I am almost ready. The crib is up, the dresser has clothes etc in it, the closet full of clothes and toys. The high chair is upstairs and sitting in the kitchen. A friend from work dropped off an exersaucer for Macy to borrow,(thanks Val) and the car seat is here, (OK it is still sitting in the living room but it's here.) I have sorted the things I am planning on taking with me and my sister Kathy and I have discussed our trip. The agency sent an email and asked for the balance of the in country fees and they called Friday to say it arrived. I took this as a good thing, that CB want every thing ready for when the Invites arrive, (that's my story and I am sticking to it) I received a voice message from Cathy at the adoption agency that indicated they hoped to hear something within a few weeks. I still think late March/early April is when we travel, earlier would be great, but I really think that is just a dream. I received my Part 1 reply from Citizenship Canada. That is the part where I had to prove I was a Canadian Citizen before they could grant my child citizenship. Part 2 happens in Vietnam and the end result is a Canadian passport so Macy can come home.
While I am waiting, life goes on. I work, I sleep, I live, I try not to shop too much. and as I have been doing for the past 2 years, 10 months 3 days, I wait. I wait for the day until I meet my daughter.


OH MY #6 said...

Happy Valentines!

xoxo to you as you wait.


Jules and Danny said...

I'm glad you have part 1 of your citizenship already. That is one thing you won't have to worry about when your LOI arrives.
Keep the faith girlie. Macy is waiting for you to come and get her!